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Sue Frohlick
Anthropology, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
Office: LM4 630Phone: 250.807.8525
Email: susan.frohlick@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Ethnographic writing, poetry; ethnographies of sound, hearing, listening; critical tourism studies; migration, subjectivities; feminist and sensory methodologies; community-based research; atmospheres.
Courses & Teaching
I teach courses in cultural anthropology and gender, women, and sexuality studies. Current UBC courses include: Tourism, Desire, Difference; Love, Marriage, Family: New Kinship Studies; Sounded Worlds; Okanagan Tourism and the Senses; Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Power 11: Everyday Life; Feminist Geographies of (Un)Belonging
PhD, Social Anthropology, York University
MA, Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
BA, Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
Research Interests & Projects
My scholarship examines the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, transnational movement, tourism, and immigration, and has contributed new knowledge about how mobility across borders affects social and intimate relations, individuals, and communities. I have established a reputation nationally and internationally for detailed, local ethnographic investigations of contemporary transnational “flows” of people, such as travel, tourism, migration, diaspora, and settlement, and the lived experience and formations of gender, sexuality, and racial subjectivities within these contexts.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Year | Publication |
2019 | Frohlick, Susan, Kristin Lozanski, Amy Speier, and Mimi Sheller (2019) Ideas in Motion: “Mobilities Meets Reproductive Vibes….,” Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 9(1): 95-102. |
2019 | Alison Odger, Susan Frohlick, Robert Lorway (2019) Re-Assembling “Risky” Subjects: African Migrant Youth in Winnipeg, Canada. Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness. DOI:10.1080/01459740.2018.1551390. |
2019 | Frohlick, Susan and Carolina Meneses (2019) Emergent Collaborations: Field Assistants, Voice, and Multilingualism. In Learning and Using Languages in Ethnographic Research. Robert Gibb, Annabel Tremlett, and Julien Danero Iglesias (Eds.), Bristol, UK: Channel View Publications. |
2018 | Frohlick, Susan, Paula Migliardi and Adey Mohamed (2018) ‘Mostly with White Girls:’ Settlement, Spatiality, and Emergent Interracial Sexualities in a Canadian Prairie City. City & Society 30(2):165-185. DOI:10.1111/ciso.12176. |
2016 | Frohlick, Susan (2016) Feeling Sexual Transgression: Subjectivity, Bodily Experience, and Non-Normative Hetero-Erotic Practices in Women’s Cross-Border Sex in Costa Rica. Gender, Place & Culture 26(2): 257-273. |
2015 | Cohen, Frayda, Amy Speier, and Susan Frohlick (2015) Kinship Travel: Relatedness through International Tourism and Travel Networks. Anthropologica 57(1): 15-18. |
2015 | Frohlick, Susan (2015) “Souvenir Babies” and Abandoned Homes: Tracking the Reproductive Force of Tourism. Anthropologica 57(1): 63-76. |
2013 | Frohlick, Susan (2013) Intimate Tourism Markets: Money, Gender, and the Complexity of Erotic Exchange in a Costa Rican Caribbean Town. Anthropological Quarterly 86(1): 133-162. |
2012 | Frohlick, Susan (2012) Intercambios Fluidos: la negociacion de la intimidad entre mujeres turistas y hombres locales en un pueblo transnacional del Caribe Costarricense. Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos(Universidad de Costa Rica) 38: 279-304. Translation by Megan Rivers-Moore and Leonardo Solano Mendez. |
2011 | Frohlick, Susan and Lynda Johnston (2011) Naturalizing Bodies and Places: Tourism Media Campaigns and Heterosexualities in Costa Rica and New Zealand. Annals of Tourism Research 38(3):1090-1109. |
2011 | Frohlick, Susan and Paula Migliardi (2011) “Heterosexual Profiling” and the New Dating Exigencies for Older Women in the Cyber-Dating Market. Australian Feminist Studies 26 (67): 73-88. Special Issue: Heterosexuality. |
2010 | Frohlick, Susan (2010) The Sex of Tourism? In Julie Scott and Tom Selywn (Eds.), Thinking Through Tourism. London: Berg Publishers. |
2009 | Frohlick, Susan (2009) “Pathos of Love in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica: Emotion, Travel and Migration. Mobilities4(3): 389-405. |
2008 | Frohlick, Susan (2008) (2008) “I’m More Sexy Here”: Erotic Subjectivities of Female Tourists in the “Sexual Paradise” of Caribbean Costa Rica. In Tanu Priya Uteng and Tim Cresswell (Eds.), Gendered Mobilities. Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 129-42. |
2008 | Frohlick, Susan (2008) Negotiating the Public Secrecy of Sex in a Transnational Tourist Town in Caribbean Costa Rica. Tourist Studies 8(1):19-39. |
2008 | Frohlick, Susan and Julia Harrison (2008) Introduction: Engaging Ethnography in Tourist Research. Tourist Studies 8(1): 5-18. |
2007 | Frohlick, Susan (2007) Fluid Exchanges: The Negotiation of Intimacy between Tourist Women and Local Men in a Transnational Town in Caribbean Costa Rica. City & Society 9(1): 139-168. |
2006 | Frohlick, Susan (2006) Rendering and Gendering Mobile Subjects: Placing Ourselves between Local Ethnography and Global Worlds. In Simon Coleman and Peter Collins (Eds.), Locating the Field: Metaphors of Space, Place and Context in Anthropology. London: Berg Publishers, pp. 87-104. |
2006 | Frohlick, Susan (2006) “Wanting the Children and Wanting K2”: The Incommensurability of Motherhood and Mountaineering in Britain and North America in the Late Twentieth Century. Gender, Place & Culture 13(5): 477-490. |
2005 | Frohlick, Susan (2005) “That Playfulness of White Masculinity”: Mediating Masculinities and Adventure at Mountain Film Festivals. Tourist Studies 5(2): 175-193. |
2004 | Frohlick, Susan (2004) “Who is Lakpa Sherpa?” Circulating Subjectivities in the Local/Global Terrains of Himalayan Mountaineering. Journal of Social and Cultural Geography 5(2): 195-212. |
2003 | Frohlick, Susan (2003) Negotiating the Global Playground: Shifting Contours of Everest as a Transnational Workplace. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 40(5): 525-542. Special issue, Negotiating Boundaries in a Globalizing World. |
2002 | Frohlick, Susan (2002) “You Brought Your Baby to Base Camp?” Families and Fieldsites. Great Lakes Geographer 9(1): 67-76. Special issue on Feminism and the Academy. |
1999/ 2000 |
Frohlick, Susan (1999/2000) The Hyper-Masculine Landscape of High-Altitude Mountaineering. Michigan Feminist Studies 14: 81-104. |
1999 | Frohlick, Susan (1999) “Home Has Always Been Hard For Me:” Single Mothers’ Narratives of Identity, Home, and Loss. In Rae Bridgman, Sally Cole, and Heather Howard-Bobiwash, (Eds.), Feminist Fields: Ethnographic Insights. Peterborough: Broadview Press, pp. 86-102. |
Selected Grants & Awards
Granting Agency | Subject | Funding Per Year | Year | Role |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Connections Program | Interdisciplinary Workshop on Reproductive Mobilities: Dialogue, Exchange, and New Research Directions | $24,844 | 2018-2019 | Susan Frohlick (PI) |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant Program | Local Youth, Global Tourism: Imagining a Future and Transforming Youth through Intimate Labour with Tourists | $209,591 | 2014-2018 | Principal Investigator |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant, Community-Based Research, HIV/AIDS Program | What Risk, Whose Voices? An Intervention of Risk through Participatory Ethnography with African Immigrant and Refugee Youth in Winnipeg | $253,060 | 2014-2017 | Principal Investigator |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Doctoral Award, Aboriginal Methodologies | Interracial Contact Zones: Sexuality, Race, and Sexual Health in “Black” and Aboriginal Intimate Relationships | $108,000 | 2013-2016 | Advisor |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Café Scientifique Program | “I Always Feel Like They Will Judge Me:” African Newcomer Youths’ Stories, Stigma, and Sexual Health as a Human Right | $3,000 | 2013-2014 | Principal Investigator |
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada Canada-Latin American and the Caribbean Research Exchange Grants Program, International Development Research Centre | Barriers to Sexual Healthcare in a Resource Poor Tourist Area in Atlantic Costa Rica | $23,691 | 2011-2013 | Principal Investigator |